Brief Introduction

Docaide’s product is a wearable remote health monitoring system which is able to detect difference range of symptoms and diseases.
Our bio patch technology features an integrated sensor with/and has:

The bio patch can monitor a patient’s temperature, heart rate, and blood oxygen levels to monitor and diagnose a range of chronic respiratory symptoms and conditions. The sensor will track and log vital signs data and wirelessly sync with our mobile application to provide real-time insights for physicians and healthcare professionals.

Docaide’s bio patch has a remote outpatient monitoring sensor that can provide physicians with real-time information on vital signs and cough occurrences. For instance, the built-in cough sensor can detect high-pitched, wheezing sounds caused by disrupted airflow in asthma and COPD patients, and abnormal respiratory patterns in patients with sleep apnea. In addition to cough occurrences, the patch will also detect other vital signs, including body temperature, pulse and send all the information to a cloud server.

Data is logged and tracked by the patch and wirelessly stored in a cloud server, and accessible through a mobile app and website to send the stored information to a patient’s healthcare team or physician. The patch is waterproof with machine learning capabilities to help physicians and healthcare professionals make remote diagnoses.

The bio patch is an inexpensive and accurate monitoring tool that can be used by healthcare professionals and hospitals to track the recovery or deterioration of chronic and/or respiratory diseases in patients. It is important to note that this is an outpatient monitoring device and cannot substitute for professional devices in hospitals for patients with serious illnesses.

Our bio patch can also be custom programmed by a physician to check for other specific symptoms and diseases (heart rate, temperature, fever, etc.) and provide a healthcare provider diagnosis. Alerts can be set up to alert the patient’s healthcare team to vital changes in the patient’s symptoms and condition.


Interest form

In case of any interest to have our product in your medical center of clinic, please fill in following form. Our colleagues will contact you at the earliest possible time for helping.